Publikováno: 14. 1. 2025 09:50
Autor: Lada Hájková

Music Therapy and Art Therapy for the Elderly

Guaranteeing department: Department of Social Work

Guarantor: Ing. Markéta Dubnová, PhD.

Lecturer: Mgr. Josef Křivánek and Mgr. Lenka Poláková

Lecturers' Medallions:

Mgr. Josef Křivánek

Mgr. Lucie Poláková: A long-term external lecturer at the Department of Social Work of the College of Polytechnics Jihlava, a lecturer of the University of the Third Age courses (topics: Psychology and Art Therapy, Fundamentals of Psychology). A graduate of systematic training in art therapy and artephiletics (completed in 2011), a graduate of specialized training in ethnotherapy, art therapy with disabled children, art therapy for teachers, and terra therapy. For many years, she has been volunteering (oncology patients in Jihlava Hospital, low threshold facility Klubíčko in Jihlava). For three years, she worked in an aftercare programme for alcohol and drug addicts in Jihlava. She worked as an art therapist in Sdílení, o. s. (training of employees and volunteers), in the Home for the Elderly in Myslibořice and cooperates with the Regional Office and Senior Point Jihlava on other educational events of the Vysočina Region. Every year, she organises a summer stay with art therapy for families with children in Vysočina.

Mgr. Lucie Poláková (luciepolakova.cz)

MalujiDusi (maluji-dusi.cz)

Annotation: Music Therapy provides participants with an insight into music therapy, explaining the concept, subject, and aim. Practical demonstrations of forms of music therapy using available musical instruments, creating simple melodies, non-verbal communication using musical instruments, body play, voice work, movement expression using dynamics, tempo, and melody. Ethnic music is used in time, listening, and relaxation.

Art therapy provides insight into art therapy - definition, delineation, and division. Painting, terra therapy (working with clay), encaustic - spreading colours, family tree, collage, painting in the open air (by the Jihlava river), painting flowers, autogenic training, painting a copy of a painting...

The course will be open with a minimum of 20 people. (The Music Therapy course in the winter semester will be divided into 2 groups of max 12 people).

Number of semesters: 2 (winter semester - Music Therapy, summer semester - Art Therapy)

Teaching Day: Wednesday

Learning Time: 11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. (Group 1 only)

Course Closing: collaborative composition/artwork

Recommended Reading: to be specified in class

Registration: as of April 1, 2024 via e-application

Please note: The Centre for Lifelong Learning reserves the right to change for organizational reasons (lecturer, date, class time). Any changes will always be communicated to those interested in the course in a timely manner.


Course Application Form




Lecture topic


2 Oct

Familiarizing with Music Therapy Instruments - DJEMBE, DIDGERIDOO, STANDING BELL, FUJARA, SHAMANIC DRUM, MOUTH HARP, history of musical instruments, playing technique and demonstration of playing each instrument, practical exercises.


9 Oct


16 Oct


23 Oct

Use of orff instruments, rattles in accompaniment - simple melodies. Rhythmization and improvisation - playing on the body - use of voiced trumpets, working with the voice. Non-verbal communication using musical instruments. Movement expression of feelings using dynamics, tempo and melody.


30 Oct


6 Nov


13 Nov

Roots of music therapy - ethnic rhythms over time, differences between ethnic and European music, building principles, and forms of ethnic music. Listening to indigenous ethnic instruments, relaxation.


20 Nov

Free lessons based on the needs of the group - practising your own rhythms using Orff instrumentation, music therapy instruments, and sound tubes.

Creation of own compositions and songs. The instructor will rehearse a song with the group and make an MP3 recording for the participants.


27 Nov


4 Dec


11 Dec


8 Jan


5 Feb

Introduction to art therapy, its definition, delineation and division into art therapy and art therapy. Method: Painting on various musical samples (combining music and art)


12 Feb

Terra therapy - working with ceramic clay (learning about ceramic clay in the studio, creating a personal symbol and a head full of ideas)


19 Feb

Encaustic inside out - we paint big pictures using a simple technique of spreading paint. Follows up with an introduction to abstract art that develops our imagination


26 Feb

Drawing a family tree and adding family members to it using different coloured stones. In the subsequent reflection, we will talk about our family.


5 March

Collage on a selected theme (me and my world)


12 March

Plane painting (painting nature by the Jihlava River)


19 March

Magnified Flowers (we paint floral "wallpaper" with live flowers that students bring in themselves


26 March

Autogenic training and subsequent work with ceramic clay according to the chosen story


2 Apr

Abstract collage with coloured papers and magazines on the theme: my inner woman/my inner man


9 Apr

Tree - the symbol of life (we will try Koch's Baumtest and the Three Tree Test R. Corbose)


16 Apr

Encaustic with coloured waxes and irons


23 Apr

A painting based on a famous painting (inspiration by Gustav Klimt and his paintings)

Get in touch with us

Vysoká škola polytechnická Jihlava
Tolstého 16
586 01 Jihlava

IČ: 71226401
DIČ: CZ71226401

Phone: +420 567 141 111
Fax: +420 567 300 727
E-mail: vspj@vspj.cz
Mailbox ID: w9ej9jg

Contact point of the Rector's Office
Monika Jonášová
E-mail: monika.jonasova@vspj.cz

Study Department
Phone: +420 567 141 181
E-mail: studijni@vspj.cz

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